Englisch-Schwedisch Übersetzung für cut

  • klippaen
    Förmodligen inte genom att börja klippa håret på varandra!Not by giving each other hair cuts, I imagine! Det måste bli förbjudet att kastrera grisar, klippa av svansar och skära av tänder.The castration of pigs, bobtailing and the cutting of teeth must be banned. Hur vi skall klippa upp den gordiska knut som låser situationen i Kosovo vet vi ännu inte, trots att vi har gjort många försök.But we still have not worked out how to cut the Gordian knot around Kosovo, despite numerous attempts.
  • snittett
    Snittet av mängden av alla människor och mängden av alla honor är mängden av alla mänskliga kvinnor.
  • skäraen
    Att skära ned på kostnaderna handlar om att spara.Cutting costs is about cutting corners. Hon talade om att skära i den.She was talking about cutting it. Tvärtom, den borde skäras ned.On the contrary, it should be cut.
  • kupera
  • avbrottettStrömavbrott och avbrott i gas- och oljeförsörjningen skapar omedelbart interna kriser i många medlemsstater.Power cuts and interruptions in the flow of gas and oil immediately result in internal crises in many Member States. Det är en situation som vi inte ens upplevde under det kalla kriget - det kompletta avbrott som vi ser i dag.So this is a situation that not even the Cold War years have seen us exposed to - the total cut-off that we are facing today. Ett plötsligt avbrott i den europeiska finansieringen skulle kunna komma att riskera att framkalla en större chock i vår ekonomi och samtidigt undergräva de senaste landvinningarna.A sudden cut-off of European funding would risk provoking a major shock in our economy and in the process undermine recent gains.
  • bryta
    Isolerad från yttervärlden försöker Vientiane bryta ner det här folket.Cut off from the outside world, Vientiane is trying to break this people. Irländska torvbrytare och mossägare ombeds nu sluta att bryta torv för personligt bruk.Irish turf-cutters and bog owners are now being asked to cease cutting turf for personal use. Om vi försöker bryta länken mellan transport och ekonomisk tillväxt bortser vi från tydliga bevis sedan århundraden tillbaka.By attempting to cut the link between transport and economic growth, we are ignoring clear evidence dating back centuries.
  • givenDags för en ny giv, det är din tur att ge.Hur skulle en sådan här giv tas emot tror du?
  • hakett
  • hugga
    De ser dess skogar huggas ned och öknar spridas ut sig.They see forests being cut down and deserts spreading. Kommer man att bränna ut ögonen på folk, stena kvinnor eller hugga av händerna på folk?Will it burn out people’s eyes, stone women or cut off people’s hands? Om det inte ger resultat, måste vi vidta kraftfulla åtgärder och hugga av den gordiska knuten.If that does not work, then we need to be decisive and cut the Gordian knot.
  • kapaDe måste kapa kostnader, men under vilka förutsättningar?Cost cutting is certainly involved, but on what terms is that possible? Är ni beredd att kapa navelsträngen mellan idrotten och den professionella verksamheten?Are you willing to cut the umbilical cord between sport and professional activity? Trots denna nedslående bild vinner vi inget på att kapa alla kommunikationskanaler till Uzbekistan.Despite this bleak picture, nothing is to be gained by cutting off all channels of communication with Uzbekistan.
  • klippa bort
  • klippa utKlipp ut hästbilden ur tidningen.
  • klippningen
  • klipptNi klippte av invigningsbandet för euron.You cut the tape for the launch of the euro. Jag klippte nyligen bandet till vårt humanitära biståndskontor där.I recently cut the ribbon of our humanitarian aid office there. Detta har lett till att kontakten mellan EU och Turkiet aldrig helt har klippts av.As a result, the Union and Turkey have never been totally cut off from one another.
  • omskuren
  • sårett
    Han fördes till sjukhus med ett ytligt sår.He was taken to hospital with a cut.
  • skära upp
  • skärningen
  • skärsårettI min egen valkrets fick en femåring svåra skärsår när han var på semester i ett främmande land i Europeiska unionen.In my own constituency there is a five-year-old child who has suffered severe cuts whilst on holiday in an unfamiliar European Union country.
  • skuren
  • sprättaHan plockade fram papperskniven och sprättade upp det ganska tjocka kuvertet.Dags att sprätta upp sömmarna och sy om!Många sprättade bort märket från jackorna för att på så vis bevisa att jackan inte köpts för märkets skull.
  • trängaJag skall tränga bakom all jargong och tala om för er exakt vad de talar om: hjärntvätt!I will cut through all the jargon and tell you precisely what they are talking about: brainwashing! Utskottet för framställningar kan ofta erbjuda medborgarna en möjlighet att tränga igenom den europeiska byråkratin för att ta itu med frågor som påverkar deras liv.The Petitions Committee often offers the citizen a way of cutting through the bureaucracy of Europe to address issues affecting their lives. Är det verkligen någon som tror att ytterligare nedskärningar av de offentliga investeringarna kommer att gynna den inhemska efterfrågan och inte tränga undan ännu fler små och medelstora företag?Who could seriously believe that further cuts in public investment will boost internal demand as opposed to sending more small and medium-sized enterprises to the wall?
  • uppehållett
  • utesluta
    Låt oss utesluta byråkratin och få igång hjälpen!Let us cut the red tape and get the aid moving! De nya medlemsstaterna borde uteslutas från alla de sänkningar som EU gör av landsbygdsutvecklingens finansiering.The new Member States should be excluded from any cuts the EU makes to funding for rural development. Tror kommissionen och rådet verkligen att bättre lagstiftning uppnås genom att helt utesluta Europaparlamentet från förfarandet?Do the Commission and the Council really believe that better regulation is achieved by cutting the European Parliament out of the procedure altogether?

Definition für cut

  • ''To incise, to cut into the surface of something.''
  • To admit of incision or severance; to yield to a cutting instrument
  • ''To separate, remove, reject or reduce.''
  • To cease recording activities
  • To make an abrupt transition from one scene or image to another
  • To edit a film by selecting takes from original footage
  • To enter a queue in the wrong place
  • To intersect or cross in such a way as to divide in half or nearly so
  • To make the ball spin sideways by running one's fingers down the side of the ball while bowling it.
  • To change direction suddenly
  • To divide a pack of playing cards into two
  • To write
  • To dilute or adulterate something, especially a recreational drug
  • To exhibit . needs improving: you don't cut a quality, but a figure--
  • To stop or disengage
  • To drive to one side, as by hitting it fine with another ball, or striking it with the racket inclined
  • To perform (a dancing movement etc
  • Having been cut
  • Omitted from a literary, musical or other work
  • Carved into a shape; not raw
  • Having muscular definition in which individual groups of muscle fibers stand out among larger muscles
  • Circumcised or having been the subject of female genital mutilation
  • Eliminated from consideration during a recruitment drive
  • Intoxicated as a result of drugs or alcohol
  • The act of cutting
  • The result of cutting
  • An opening resulting from cutting; an incision or wound
  • A notch, passage, or channel made by cutting or digging; a furrow; a groove
  • A share or portion
  • A batsman's shot played with a swinging motion of the bat, to hit the ball backward of point
  • In lawn tennis, etc., a slanting stroke causing the ball to spin and bound irregularly; also, the spin thus given to the ball
  • A passage omitted or to be omitted from a play
  • A particular version or edit of a film
  • The card obtained by dividing the pack
  • A slab, especially of meat
  • An attack made with a chopping motion of the blade, landing with its edge or point
  • An unkind act; a cruelty
  • A truncation, a context that represents a moment in time when other archaeological deposits were removed for the creation of some feature such as a ditch or pit
  • The partition of a graph’s vertices into two subgroups
  • An engraved block or plate; the impression from such an engraving
  • A common workhorse; a gelding
  • The failure of a college officer or student to be present at any appointed exercise
  • That which is used to dilute or adulterate a recreational drug
  • A notch shaved into an eyebrow
  • A hidden or secure place


  • Would you please cut the cake?
  • I have three diamonds to cut today
  • The patient said she had been cutting since the age of thirteen.
  • Sarcasm cuts to the quick
  • to cut a horse
  • Travis was cut from the team
  • Theyre going to cut salaries by fifteen percent
  • I cut fifth period to hang out with Angela
  • After the incident at the dinner party, people started to cut him on the street
  • After the actors read their lines, the director yelled, "Cut!
  • The camera then cut to the woman on the front row who was clearly overcome and crying tears of joy.
  • Select the text, cut it, and then paste it in the other application
  • One student kept trying to cut in front of the line
  • This road cuts right through downtown
  • The football player cut to his left to evade a tackle
  • If you cut then Ill deal
  • cut orders; cut a check
  • The best malt whiskies are improved if they are cut with a dash of water
  • The bartender cuts his beer to save money and now its all watery
  • Drug dealers sometimes cut cocaine with lidocaine
  • Cut the engines when the plane comes to a halt!
  • to cut a caper
  • The pitcher threw a cut fastball that was slower than his usual pitch
  • Cut brandy is a liquor made of brandy and hard grain liquor
  • My favourite song had been cut from the show
  • He made a fine cut with his sword
  • a smooth or clear cut
  • Look at this cut on my finger!
  • a cut for a railroad
  • The lawyer took a cut of the profits
  • The director asked the cast to note down the following cuts
  • The player next to the dealer makes a cut by placing the bottom half on top
  • I like the cut of that suit
  • That’s our finest cut of meat
  • The drummer on the last cut of their CD is not identified
  • a book illustrated with fine cuts
  • Dont buy his coke: its full of cut

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